Saturday, September 3, 2016

Here We Go Again!

Rarely do we take two major trips in one year.  However, sailing and biking the Amalfi Coast in Italy was an opportunity we could not pass up.  We are on a sailing vessel this time instead of the usual barge. We will be traveling with three other couples that we know and meeting one other on board.

We leave for Naples on Wednesday, September 7.  Since we are flying Aer Lingus, we have decided to get off the plane in Dublin on our way home and drive around the island for 10 days.  We return home on September 28.  I will post  the itinerary, as much as I know of it, within the next few days.

If you have any desire to leave comments, please test it out now so I can get the kinks out before we leave. Let me know if you have any problems (

Next time... Itinerary


  1. Looking forward to traveling vicariously. Safe travels!

    1. Its the best way to travel...S&G put on a great vicarious travel.

  2. Sounds beautiful and exciting! Thank you for sharing Geoff & Susan :)
    Briana ~

  3. Testing....testing....I'm ready to sit back and enjoy your vacation!

  4. Always wanted to travel the Amalfi coast. And will be looking for familiar sights thru Ireland. Love & happy travels!

  5. Have a fabulous trip...I know you will!!

  6. Have a fabulous trip...I know you will!!
