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Today's Photo Album: Naples Day 1
Another uneventful flight. The Alps provided quite a sight however. Landed a bit late but certainly made up for it with the expediency of going through Italian customs. Found a cab and we were off racing through the streets of Naples. This hotel is big, right on the water on a promenade with no car traffic. Across the street from Castle dell'Ovo and views of Pompeii. The room is okay with a balcony view of the sea one way and the zigzag streets the other.

Our friends, who arrived yesterday, were out and about somewhere. We got settled in and couldn't decide whether to nap, go sleep at the pool, or get something to eat. Geoff's stomach won out. We headed out to the promenade along the coast and surveyed the many restaurant/pizza places along the walk. We settled on one down at the end of the line. If you do nothing else in Naples, you eat pizza! We ordered a margarita pizza and took in the view. Keeping our eyes out for J, who loves to run. After a while, Geoff says, quite casually, "oh, there goes J now". Sure enough he was running down the promenade. We hailed him down and said we would meet up at the pool.
Finished the fabulous pizza and headed back to the hotel to see the rest of the gang. J, Paula, and Elaine were at the pool. Jim was napping in the room. Hung out for a bit and made plans to meet at 7pm for dinner. Before going back to our room, we walked up to the market for water. They say the tap water is fine, but I'm not taking any chances. Got back and hit the sack!
Paula & Elaine |
Awoke at 6:40!! We scurried to get ready only to find that my lipstick exploded in my makeup bag and some lotion that Geoff had exploded in his duffel. Took a shower and dealt with the mess while trying to get dressed. Miraculously we made it down to the lobby and the six of us took off to find dinner. We went in the direction of the castle (more on the castle tomorrow when we explore). After looking over several menus, Paula and Elaine made a decision. It was a seafood delight. Lots of laughs and good food plus limoncello made for an enjoyable evening.

After dinner we walked back towards the hotel for some to die for gelato. The evening was absolutely beautiful. Perfect temperature and no wind. We topped it off with a nice walk down the promenade. It is a very lively place at night with lots of families and locals. It was had to pick out the tourists. Certainly not too many Americans.
Not too many photos today. Right now it is definitely time for bed.
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Today's Photo Album: Naples Day 1
Next time.. Touring Napoli
Sounds like food perfection in Naples - Margarita pizza, local fish & gelato. And I know you slept just fine. Good luck on the upcoming bike & sail adventure!