Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Revello to Cetara


So, remember when I said that the e-bike was the greatest thing since sliced bread – that’s only when it works! Let me tell you story about when it stops working.

Left the ship bright and early this morning to get a head of the Amalfi traffic. Paula and I were cruising along the coast taking in the view when we realized we missed a turn somewhere. We were supposed to be headed up to Revello but instead we were seeing the sea in front of us. OK, no biggie, we turned around and went back up about 3km to the hairpin turn toward Revello. That is when the fun started. As soon as I made the turn to go up, the power stopped.
I managed to pedal this monster up about a km and then I had to stop. Paula stopped with me, and for that I will be eternally grateful. She managed to get in exactly one call to Clement to send out a distress call that something has gone amiss.

Do you see them yet?
After waiting quite a while, Clement finally came riding down the cliff. He called the bike company and was told that it was damp (probably due to the rain last night). So we took the battery out and tried to dry the whole thing out. Success! Or so we thought. I was able to bike a ways with the battery and then it would stop. So I was on manual power again. This happened about 3 or 4 times until it finally quit altogether. At that point, I suggested taking the control unit apart. Suspiciously, we found a group a wires wrapped with masking tape. We tried to dry it out but to no avail. Now, I was alternating between manually pedaling and pushing this bike up this 5km incline. Made it to the bottom of Revello where the sidewalk started and cried UNCLE! Locked the bike there and walked up the remaining half mile or so unencumbered. Met up with the gang. Clement walked back down and rode my bike up and locked it at the top of the hill.

Never got to see the town. I bought a ticket and took a bus back down to Amalfi. I am so sorry for everyone who had to wait a very long time. Communication was not very good. Clement called the shop back and was told that a new bike will be at waiting our new harbor tonight and the ship will wait for me. Before going down to Amalfi, the bus went up to Scala. Made it back to Amalfi and back to the boat. The captain says that the new bike is on its way!! Do I want to bike or sail? Could not reach Clement to find out where they were so we eventually set out.
I threw on a swimsuit and relaxed on deck. Chatted with Phyllis (who is not biking).  I have to say the sail was beautiful and very relaxing after a grueling morning. At around 4, I decided to jump in the shower before the gang got back. As soon as I got out, Clement and Geoff and some others were back at the ship. Captain asked me if I wanted to go riding. OK – quickly got dressed and got on my new bike. OY!! Twice as heavy, only 3 gears instead of the 7 I had, and very uncomfortable. I had a hard time controlling the weight. I found I could not manually ride the bike without the battery. This was not going to work at all. Came back to the ship and told Clement to tell bike shop to either fix the broken bike or provide another like my original one. Not sure what will happen. Tomorrow is a walking tour of Capri so there is time to replace it.
We are now docked in Cetara. The skies are looking iffy and Clement wrapped the e-bikes up (surprise!). I’m not too sure how everyone else’s day went. I did hear some stories of dropped chains and lost people. I guess it was that type of day. All in all another experience!
Just a note:  I have added some more photos to the Amalfi photo album if anyone wants to view the nighttime shots.  Dinner soon and then a walk into town. 
Next time... Capri

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