We hung around the room yesterday afternoon and watched a movie along with the rain. Eventually ventured out for dinner around 6pm. Hoping to get something to eat before the Patriots game at 7. So what happens?? Lots of waiters, lots of drinking, no food. Here's another Napoli saying for the books: "Nobody in Naples eats at this hour". And sure enough, we weren't going to either. Apparently, no eating until 7 or 7:30. We circled the block a few times and then walked around in circles for a while to kill time.
Back in the room, we killed more time until finally it was 7 o'clock. It took us a while to find a good NFL feed but we got there. When the score was 24-3 in favor of the Pats, we figured it was safe to go down and have some dinner and be back up for the second half.
It was half-time and it was now 31-3. Watched the second half which started to get a bit scary but the Pats held on and won 31-24. Lights out - alarm on: 4:45am.
You know there are some days it doesn't even bother to get up in the morning. That's how this morning went. The alarm went off on time. I was still half asleep when Geoff said that he couldn't find the envelope with the rest of our euros. OK - we are good at this, we didn't panic. We had to get to the plane, so we pooled what money we did have and came up with 22 euros and 2 dollar bills that would be enough for the cab. It was pouring rain when we took off to the airport. Arrived at the airport and was told that Aer Lingus would be open 2 hours before flight time. I said flight time is 7:25, the info gal said 12:25. Ooops!! My bad. Yup, after all that I somehow got the wrong time. We found an ATM to replenish the cash. I always hold my breath, thinking one day the card will not come back out. Fortunately, today was not that day.
Now what?? We still have a room in Naples and the ride is only 15 minutes. So we hailed a cab and got back to the hotel. 20 minutes later we were in our room and crawled into bed. The whole ordeal took about an hour. Slept until 8:30ish when Geoff jumped out of bed with an epiphany - "I know where the money is"! And sure enough he found the envelope. Things were looking up, the sky was blue, we got some sleep, and we now had plenty of money. It was a brand new day. Or so we thought.
Went downstairs for breakfast, said goodbye again to the gals at the desk and we were on our way back to the airport. No traffic, apparently today is the holiday of St. Gennaro (remember him from day 1). Checked in and walked and walked until we got to our gate. Boarded the plane and much to my shock, they gave away our seats that we paid extra money for and boy did my claustrophobia kick in. I sat in panic mode for 4 hours. The good news was that they fed us for free -- big deal. When we landed, I complained to customer service but that didn't work out too well. I have just filed a complaint on-line. So we will see what happens with that.
Just heard from our biking buddy, Donna. She and Phyllis are doing fine. Made their way to Sienna and things are good. Hope everyone else has landed safely as well.
Got back from dinner at the Hairy Lemon. My stomach is acting up so we are going to call it a night. In fact we are so anxious to go to sleep and put an end to this day. Looking forward to a brand new morning.
Next time... Exploring Dublin
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